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A Self-Help Guide For Natural Remedies
Raynaud's Disease Natural Treatment
Raynoud's disease affects the circulatory system and resutls in hands and feet that are hypersensitive to the cold. the small arteries that supply the toes and fingers become very sensitive to cold and suddenly contract. Lack of oxygenated blood causes the fingers or toes to become a whitish or bluish hue. Symptoms come on quickly and result in the affected area's shrinking. Ulcers form, damaging the tissues and resulting in chronic infection under and around the ginernails and toenails. Gangrene may result from prolonged contraction of the arteries.
Causes include Buerger's disease (a nerve disorder and certain drugs that affect the blood vessels such as channel blockers, ergot preparations, antihypertensives, and alpha- and beta-adrenergic blockers.
NUTRIENTS SUPPLEMENT SUGGESTED DOSAGE COMMENTS Essential Coenzyme Q10 60 mg daily. Improves tissue oxygenation Vitamin E emulsion or capsules Start with 200 IU, and increase slowly to 1,000 IU Use emulsified form for rapid and safe assimulation.
Improves cirulation. Acts as an anitcoagulant, dissolving clots in the legs, heart, and lungs.Very Important Chlorophyll (Kyo-Green) Liquid or pill form; a fresh green drink made from green leafy vegetables. Kyo-Green helps reduce the infection and supplies nutrients that enhance blood flow. Choline and inositol Use as directed on label Lowers cholesterol and helps circulation DMG (Gluconic from DaVinci Labs) 1 tablet 3 times daily Improves tissue oxygenation Germanium 200 mg daily Makes oxygen available to tissues and relieves discomfort. Lecithin 1 tbsp. with meals Lowers blood fat Vitamin B complex (high potency) plus extra folic acid and vitamin B6 (pyridozine) and niacin (B3) 100 mg daily Necessary for metabolism of fat and cholesterol. Niacin dilates small arteries, improving circulation Important Aerobic 07 from Aerobic Life Products Use as directed on label Improves tissue oxygenation Bee propolis or royal jelly Strengthens the cardiovascular system and acts as a vatural antibiotic
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